Sunday, August 1

Be a diamond

People with many facets to their persona are diamonds  often misinterpreted as fake. But are we really? Just because we have several sides to us? No. We are human. We are misjudged, misunderstood, and mistreated. I learned long ago that not everyone will like me, or anyone for that matter and I've learned to accept that as a fact of life. There are those who hate others simply because they are intimidated or feel threatened by their influence, recognition, or talents. These people with so much hatred and jealousy in their hearts do not realize that it can consume them, until there is nothing left but blackness and no point of return. More than anything, I cannot stand hate. But without it, there would be no equilibrium, no love. Likewise, without ignorance there is no knowledge. It's a sad truth, but the truth nonetheless. The world is undoubtedly overrun by these people, unaware of their potential. I won't say I can handle them but I do avoid them  negativity is just as infectious as positivity. I don't feel superior, that would just make me equally as ignorant, nor am I saying that I'm not ignorant... merely curious. Unafraid to delve deeper into the waters, to question things unbeknown to me, to seek the truth. Regrettably, curiosity is fleeting. Some people will never reach their true potential if they don't open their minds and it's a shame that people have gone their entire lives without doing so. Everyone has the potential to be the beautiful person they're meant to be, and if they believe, they will be. Some sooner than others. But the man who says he can't is just as right as the man who says he can. You haven't truly lived until you face your fear of the unknown and open your eyes. Life is daunting, but if we couldn't handle it, we wouldn't be alive.

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