I just don't understand. I just can't take it anymore. You always ignore me, always. I constantly have to repeat myself and even then, it's like you have no ears, or I have no voice. And when I have to yell you get irritated. Whose fault is it that you don't hear what I'm trying to say? I speak quite loudly and clearly, you of all people should know that.
As I've mentioned before, being ignored is probably the worst feeling for me. I loathe it and I would never let anyone I'm supposed to love suffer by intentionally ignoring them. It's not love, it's neglect. I'm here, I exist, I breathe. Please, pay attention to me. I guess it's because you get so much attention, from me...obviously. Maybe that's why you don't know how it feels to feel invisible, like an insignificant speck of dust. But when I ignore you, to spite you, you get mad.
So it's okay for you to ignore me, it's totally fine right, but you have to get all righteous with me and tell me it's rude when I don't respond right away or that I don't listen? You have hypocrite written all over you and you don't even realize it. I wish you knew how it makes me feel when you don't acknowledge me. All I can do is wish. The pain tugs at my heart and reminds me that I'm just another burden to you. Nothing but a burden. What am I supposed to do? Guilt-trips don't work with you because you have no idea and even if it did, you probably wouldn't even care. Do you even care? Probably not. And everyday, I lose hope. I feel like, if you don't, who would?
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